{"version":3,"file":"updater.e153cbf1.js","sources":["../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/style.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/attr.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/store/lightable.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/makeElement.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/is.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/callbacks.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/event.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/lifecycle.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/object.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/withGet.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/overridable.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/keyboard.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/store/effect.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/helpers/store/toWritableStores.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/actions/click-outside/action.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/internal/actions/escape-keydown/action.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/builders/hidden-input/create.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/builders/calendar/create.js","../../../../../../node_modules/@melt-ui/svelte/dist/builders/date-picker/create.js","../../../../../../node_modules/bits-ui/dist/internal/attrs.js","../../../../../../node_modules/bits-ui/dist/internal/events.js","../../../../../../node_modules/bits-ui/dist/internal/object.js","../../../../../../node_modules/bits-ui/dist/internal/updater.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * A utility function that converts a style object to a string.\n *\n * @param style - The style object to convert\n * @returns The style object as a string\n */\nexport function styleToString(style) {\n return Object.keys(style).reduce((str, key) => {\n if (style[key] === undefined)\n return str;\n return str + `${key}:${style[key]};`;\n }, '');\n}\n","import { styleToString } from './style.js';\nexport function disabledAttr(disabled) {\n return disabled ? true : undefined;\n}\nexport const hiddenInputAttrs = {\n type: 'hidden',\n 'aria-hidden': true,\n hidden: true,\n tabIndex: -1,\n style: styleToString({\n position: 'absolute',\n opacity: 0,\n 'pointer-events': 'none',\n margin: 0,\n transform: 'translateX(-100%)',\n }),\n};\n/**\n * @param portal The value of the `portal` option store.\n * @returns the value of the `data-portal` attribute.\n */\nexport function portalAttr(portal) {\n if (portal !== null) {\n return '';\n }\n return undefined;\n}\n","export function lightable(value) {\n function subscribe(run) {\n run(value);\n return () => {\n // don't need to unsub from anything\n };\n }\n return { subscribe };\n}\n","import { derived } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { isBrowser, isHTMLElement, noop } from './index.js';\nimport { lightable } from './store/lightable.js';\nexport function getElementByMeltId(id) {\n if (!isBrowser)\n return null;\n const el = document.querySelector(`[data-melt-id=\"${id}\"]`);\n return isHTMLElement(el) ? el : null;\n}\nexport const hiddenAction = (obj) => {\n return new Proxy(obj, {\n get(target, prop, receiver) {\n return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);\n },\n ownKeys(target) {\n return Reflect.ownKeys(target).filter((key) => key !== 'action');\n },\n });\n};\nconst isFunctionWithParams = (fn) => {\n return typeof fn === 'function';\n};\nexport const emptyMeltElement = makeElement('empty');\nexport function makeElement(name, args) {\n const { stores, action, returned } = args ?? {};\n const derivedStore = (() => {\n if (stores && returned) {\n // If stores are provided, create a derived store from them\n return derived(stores, (values) => {\n const result = returned(values);\n if (isFunctionWithParams(result)) {\n const fn = (...args) => {\n return hiddenAction({\n ...result(...args),\n [`data-melt-${name}`]: '',\n action: action ?? noop,\n });\n };\n fn.action = action ?? noop;\n return fn;\n }\n return hiddenAction({\n ...result,\n [`data-melt-${name}`]: '',\n action: action ?? noop,\n });\n });\n }\n else {\n // If stores are not provided, return a lightable store, for consistency\n const returnedFn = returned;\n const result = returnedFn?.();\n if (isFunctionWithParams(result)) {\n const resultFn = (...args) => {\n return hiddenAction({\n ...result(...args),\n [`data-melt-${name}`]: '',\n action: action ?? noop,\n });\n };\n resultFn.action = action ?? noop;\n return lightable(resultFn);\n }\n return lightable(hiddenAction({\n ...result,\n [`data-melt-${name}`]: '',\n action: action ?? noop,\n }));\n }\n })();\n const actionFn = (action ??\n (() => {\n /** noop */\n }));\n actionFn.subscribe = derivedStore.subscribe;\n return actionFn;\n}\nexport function makeElementArray(name, args) {\n const { stores, returned, action } = args;\n const { subscribe } = derived(stores, (values) => returned(values).map((value) => hiddenAction({\n ...value,\n [`data-melt-${name}`]: '',\n action: action ?? noop,\n })));\n const actionFn = (action ??\n (() => {\n /** noop */\n }));\n actionFn.subscribe = subscribe;\n return actionFn;\n}\nexport function createElHelpers(prefix) {\n const name = (part) => (part ? `${prefix}-${part}` : prefix);\n const attribute = (part) => `data-melt-${prefix}${part ? `-${part}` : ''}`;\n const selector = (part) => `[data-melt-${prefix}${part ? `-${part}` : ''}]`;\n const getEl = (part) => document.querySelector(selector(part));\n return {\n name,\n attribute,\n selector,\n getEl,\n };\n}\n","export const isBrowser = typeof document !== 'undefined';\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types\nexport const isFunction = (v) => typeof v === 'function';\nexport const isLetter = (key) => /^[a-z]$/i.test(key);\nexport function isDocument(element) {\n return element instanceof Document;\n}\nexport function isElement(element) {\n return element instanceof Element;\n}\nexport function isHTMLElement(element) {\n return element instanceof HTMLElement;\n}\nexport function isHTMLInputElement(element) {\n return element instanceof HTMLInputElement;\n}\nexport function isHTMLLabelElement(element) {\n return element instanceof HTMLLabelElement;\n}\nexport function isHTMLButtonElement(element) {\n return element instanceof HTMLButtonElement;\n}\nexport function isElementDisabled(element) {\n const ariaDisabled = element.getAttribute('aria-disabled');\n const disabled = element.getAttribute('disabled');\n const dataDisabled = element.hasAttribute('data-disabled');\n if (ariaDisabled === 'true' || disabled !== null || dataDisabled) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\nexport function isTouch(event) {\n return event.pointerType === 'touch';\n}\nexport function isLeftClick(event) {\n return event.button === 0 && event.ctrlKey === false && event.metaKey === false;\n}\nexport function isFocusVisible(element) {\n return element.matches(':focus-visible');\n}\nexport function isContentEditable(element) {\n if (!isHTMLElement(element))\n return false;\n return element.isContentEditable;\n}\nexport function isNull(value) {\n return value === null;\n}\nexport function isNumberString(value) {\n if (isNaN(parseInt(value)))\n return false;\n return true;\n}\nexport function isObject(value) {\n return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';\n}\nexport function isReadable(value) {\n return isObject(value) && 'subscribe' in value;\n}\nexport function isWritable(value) {\n return isReadable(value) && 'set' in value;\n}\n","/**\n * Executes an array of callback functions with the same arguments.\n * @template T The types of the arguments that the callback functions take.\n * @param n array of callback functions to execute.\n * @returns A new function that executes all of the original callback functions with the same arguments.\n */\nexport function executeCallbacks(...callbacks) {\n return (...args) => {\n for (const callback of callbacks) {\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n callback(...args);\n }\n }\n };\n}\n/**\n * A no operation function (does nothing)\n */\nexport function noop() {\n //\n}\n","import { noop } from './callbacks.js';\nimport { isHTMLElement } from './is.js';\n/**\n * Adds an event listener to the specified target element(s) for the given event(s), and returns a function to remove it.\n * @param target The target element(s) to add the event listener to.\n * @param event The event(s) to listen for.\n * @param handler The function to be called when the event is triggered.\n * @param options An optional object that specifies characteristics about the event listener.\n * @returns A function that removes the event listener from the target element(s).\n */\nexport function addEventListener(target, event, handler, options) {\n const events = Array.isArray(event) ? event : [event];\n // Add the event listener to each specified event for the target element(s).\n events.forEach((_event) => target.addEventListener(_event, handler, options));\n // Return a function that removes the event listener from the target element(s).\n return () => {\n events.forEach((_event) => target.removeEventListener(_event, handler, options));\n };\n}\nexport function addMeltEventListener(target, event, handler, options) {\n const events = Array.isArray(event) ? event : [event];\n if (typeof handler === 'function') {\n const handlerWithMelt = withMelt((_event) => handler(_event));\n // Add the event listener to each specified event for the target element(s).\n events.forEach((_event) => target.addEventListener(_event, handlerWithMelt, options));\n // Return a function that removes the event listener from the target element(s).\n return () => {\n events.forEach((_event) => target.removeEventListener(_event, handlerWithMelt, options));\n };\n }\n return () => noop();\n}\nexport function dispatchMeltEvent(originalEvent) {\n const node = originalEvent.currentTarget;\n if (!isHTMLElement(node))\n return null;\n const customMeltEvent = new CustomEvent(`m-${originalEvent.type}`, {\n detail: {\n originalEvent,\n },\n cancelable: true,\n });\n node.dispatchEvent(customMeltEvent);\n return customMeltEvent;\n}\nexport function withMelt(handler) {\n return (event) => {\n const customEvent = dispatchMeltEvent(event);\n if (customEvent?.defaultPrevented)\n return;\n return handler(event);\n };\n}\n","import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';\nexport const safeOnMount = (fn) => {\n try {\n onMount(fn);\n }\n catch {\n return fn;\n }\n};\nexport const safeOnDestroy = (fn) => {\n try {\n onDestroy(fn);\n }\n catch {\n return fn;\n }\n};\n","import { dequal } from 'dequal';\nexport function omit(obj, ...keys) {\n const result = {};\n for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {\n if (!keys.includes(key)) {\n result[key] = obj[key];\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\nexport function stripValues(inputObject, toStrip, recursive) {\n return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(inputObject).filter(([_, value]) => !dequal(value, toStrip)));\n}\nexport function removeUndefined(obj) {\n const result = {};\n for (const key in obj) {\n const value = obj[key];\n if (value !== undefined) {\n result[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n","import { get, writable } from 'svelte/store';\n/**\n * Transforms an existing store into a store with a `get` method.\n * Uses subscriptions to keep the value up to date, so make sure to call `destroy` when you're done with it.\n * @date 20/01/2024 - 16:38:39\n *\n * @export\n * @template {Readable} T\n * @param {T} store\n * @returns {WithGet}\n */\nexport function withGet(store) {\n return {\n ...store,\n get: () => get(store),\n };\n}\nwithGet.writable = function (initial) {\n const internal = writable(initial);\n let value = initial;\n return {\n subscribe: internal.subscribe,\n set(newValue) {\n internal.set(newValue);\n value = newValue;\n },\n update(updater) {\n const newValue = updater(value);\n internal.set(newValue);\n value = newValue;\n },\n get() {\n return value;\n },\n };\n};\nwithGet.derived = function (stores, fn) {\n const subscribers = new Map();\n const get = () => {\n const values = Array.isArray(stores) ? stores.map((store) => store.get()) : stores.get();\n return fn(values);\n };\n const subscribe = (subscriber) => {\n const unsubscribers = [];\n const storesArr = Array.isArray(stores) ? stores : [stores];\n storesArr.forEach((store) => {\n unsubscribers.push(store.subscribe(() => {\n subscriber(get());\n }));\n });\n subscriber(get());\n subscribers.set(subscriber, unsubscribers);\n return () => {\n const unsubscribers = subscribers.get(subscriber);\n if (unsubscribers) {\n for (const unsubscribe of unsubscribers) {\n unsubscribe();\n }\n }\n subscribers.delete(subscriber);\n };\n };\n return {\n get,\n subscribe,\n };\n};\nexport function addGetToStores(stores) {\n return Object.keys(stores).reduce((acc, key) => {\n return {\n ...acc,\n [key]: withGet(stores[key]),\n };\n }, {});\n}\n","import { withGet } from './withGet.js';\nexport const overridable = (_store, onChange) => {\n const store = withGet(_store);\n const update = (updater, sideEffect) => {\n store.update((curr) => {\n const next = updater(curr);\n let res = next;\n if (onChange) {\n res = onChange({ curr, next });\n }\n sideEffect?.(res);\n return res;\n });\n };\n const set = (curr) => {\n update(() => curr);\n };\n return {\n ...store,\n update,\n set,\n };\n};\n","/**\n * A constant object that maps commonly used keyboard keys to their corresponding string values.\n * This object can be used in other parts of the application to handle keyboard input and prevent\n * hard-coded strings throughout.\n */\nexport const kbd = {\n ALT: 'Alt',\n ARROW_DOWN: 'ArrowDown',\n ARROW_LEFT: 'ArrowLeft',\n ARROW_RIGHT: 'ArrowRight',\n ARROW_UP: 'ArrowUp',\n BACKSPACE: 'Backspace',\n CAPS_LOCK: 'CapsLock',\n CONTROL: 'Control',\n DELETE: 'Delete',\n END: 'End',\n ENTER: 'Enter',\n ESCAPE: 'Escape',\n F1: 'F1',\n F10: 'F10',\n F11: 'F11',\n F12: 'F12',\n F2: 'F2',\n F3: 'F3',\n F4: 'F4',\n F5: 'F5',\n F6: 'F6',\n F7: 'F7',\n F8: 'F8',\n F9: 'F9',\n HOME: 'Home',\n META: 'Meta',\n PAGE_DOWN: 'PageDown',\n PAGE_UP: 'PageUp',\n SHIFT: 'Shift',\n SPACE: ' ',\n TAB: 'Tab',\n CTRL: 'Control',\n ASTERISK: '*',\n A: 'a',\n P: 'p',\n};\n/** Key sets for navigation within lists, such as select, menu, and combobox. */\nexport const FIRST_KEYS = [kbd.ARROW_DOWN, kbd.PAGE_UP, kbd.HOME];\nexport const LAST_KEYS = [kbd.ARROW_UP, kbd.PAGE_DOWN, kbd.END];\nexport const FIRST_LAST_KEYS = [...FIRST_KEYS, ...LAST_KEYS];\nexport const SELECTION_KEYS = [kbd.ENTER, kbd.SPACE];\nexport const getNextKey = (dir = 'ltr', orientation = 'horizontal') => {\n return {\n horizontal: dir === 'rtl' ? kbd.ARROW_LEFT : kbd.ARROW_RIGHT,\n vertical: kbd.ARROW_DOWN,\n }[orientation];\n};\nexport const getPrevKey = (dir = 'ltr', orientation = 'horizontal') => {\n return {\n horizontal: dir === 'rtl' ? kbd.ARROW_RIGHT : kbd.ARROW_LEFT,\n vertical: kbd.ARROW_UP,\n }[orientation];\n};\nexport const getDirectionalKeys = (dir = 'ltr', orientation = 'horizontal') => {\n return {\n nextKey: getNextKey(dir, orientation),\n prevKey: getPrevKey(dir, orientation),\n };\n};\n","import { derived } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { noop } from '../index.js';\nimport { safeOnDestroy } from '../lifecycle.js';\n/**\n * A utility function that creates an effect from a set of stores and a function.\n * The effect is automatically cleaned up when the component is destroyed.\n *\n * @template S - The type of the stores object\n * @param stores - The stores object to derive from\n * @param fn - The function to run when the stores change\n * @returns A function that can be used to unsubscribe the effect\n */\nexport function effect(stores, fn) {\n let cb = undefined;\n // Create a derived store that contains the stores object and an onUnsubscribe function\n const destroy = derived(stores, (stores) => {\n cb?.();\n cb = fn(stores);\n }).subscribe(noop);\n const unsub = () => {\n destroy();\n cb?.();\n };\n // Automatically unsubscribe the effect when the component is destroyed\n safeOnDestroy(unsub);\n return unsub;\n}\n","import { writable } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { withGet } from '../withGet.js';\n/**\n * Given an object of properties, returns an object of writable stores\n * with the same properties and values.\n */\nexport function toWritableStores(properties) {\n const result = {};\n Object.keys(properties).forEach((key) => {\n const propertyKey = key;\n const value = properties[propertyKey];\n result[propertyKey] = withGet(writable(value));\n });\n return result;\n}\n","// Modified from Grail UI v0.9.6 (2023-06-10)\n// Source: https://github.com/grail-ui/grail-ui\n// https://github.com/grail-ui/grail-ui/tree/master/packages/grail-ui/src/clickOutside/clickOutside.ts\nimport { readable } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { addEventListener } from '../../helpers/event.js';\nimport { get } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { isFunction } from '../../helpers/is.js';\n/**\n * Creates a readable store that tracks the latest PointerEvent that occurred on the document.\n *\n * @returns A function to unsubscribe from the event listener and stop tracking pointer events.\n */\nconst documentClickStore = readable(undefined, (set) => {\n /**\n * Event handler for pointerdown events on the document.\n * Updates the store's value with the latest PointerEvent and then resets it to undefined.\n */\n function clicked(event) {\n set(event);\n // New subscriptions will not trigger immediately\n set(undefined);\n }\n // Adds a pointerdown event listener to the document, calling the clicked function when triggered.\n const unsubscribe = addEventListener(document, 'pointerup', clicked, {\n passive: false,\n capture: true,\n });\n // Returns a function to unsubscribe from the event listener and stop tracking pointer events.\n return unsubscribe;\n});\nexport const useClickOutside = (node, config = {}) => {\n let options = { enabled: true, ...config };\n // Returns true if the click outside handler is enabled\n function isEnabled() {\n return typeof options.enabled === 'boolean' ? options.enabled : get(options.enabled);\n }\n // Handle document clicks\n const unsubscribe = documentClickStore.subscribe((e) => {\n // If the click outside handler is disabled, or if the event is null or the node itself, return early\n if (!isEnabled() || !e || e.target === node) {\n return;\n }\n const composedPath = e.composedPath();\n // If the target is in the node, return early\n if (composedPath.includes(node))\n return;\n // If an ignore function is passed, check if it returns true\n if (options.ignore) {\n if (isFunction(options.ignore)) {\n if (options.ignore(e))\n return;\n }\n // If an ignore array is passed, check if any elements in the array match the target\n else if (Array.isArray(options.ignore)) {\n if (options.ignore.length > 0 &&\n options.ignore.some((ignoreEl) => {\n return ignoreEl && (e.target === ignoreEl || composedPath.includes(ignoreEl));\n }))\n return;\n }\n }\n // If none of the above conditions are met, call the handler\n options.handler?.(e);\n });\n return {\n update(params) {\n options = { ...options, ...params };\n },\n destroy() {\n unsubscribe();\n },\n };\n};\n","import { addEventListener } from '../../helpers/event.js';\nimport { isFunction, isHTMLElement, isReadable } from '../../helpers/is.js';\nimport { get, readable } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { effect, executeCallbacks, kbd, noop } from '../../helpers/index.js';\n/**\n * Creates a readable store that tracks the latest Escape Keydown that occurred on the document.\n *\n * @returns A function to unsubscribe from the event listener and stop tracking keydown events.\n */\nconst documentEscapeKeyStore = readable(undefined, (set) => {\n /**\n * Event handler for keydown events on the document.\n * Updates the store's value with the latest Escape Keydown event and then resets it to undefined.\n */\n function keydown(event) {\n if (event && event.key === kbd.ESCAPE) {\n set(event);\n }\n // New subscriptions will not trigger immediately\n set(undefined);\n }\n // Adds a keydown event listener to the document, calling the keydown function when triggered.\n const unsubscribe = addEventListener(document, 'keydown', keydown, {\n passive: false,\n });\n // Returns a function to unsubscribe from the event listener and stop tracking keydown events.\n return unsubscribe;\n});\nexport const useEscapeKeydown = (node, config = {}) => {\n let unsub = noop;\n function update(config = {}) {\n unsub();\n const options = { enabled: true, ...config };\n const enabled = (isReadable(options.enabled) ? options.enabled : readable(options.enabled));\n unsub = executeCallbacks(\n // Handle escape keydowns\n documentEscapeKeyStore.subscribe((e) => {\n if (!e || !get(enabled))\n return;\n const target = e.target;\n if (!isHTMLElement(target) || target.closest('[data-escapee]') !== node) {\n return;\n }\n e.preventDefault();\n // If an ignore function is passed, check if it returns true\n if (options.ignore) {\n if (isFunction(options.ignore)) {\n if (options.ignore(e))\n return;\n }\n // If an ignore array is passed, check if any elements in the array match the target\n else if (Array.isArray(options.ignore)) {\n if (options.ignore.length > 0 &&\n options.ignore.some((ignoreEl) => {\n return ignoreEl && target === ignoreEl;\n }))\n return;\n }\n }\n // If none of the above conditions are met, call the handler\n options.handler?.(e);\n }), effect(enabled, ($enabled) => {\n if ($enabled) {\n node.dataset.escapee = '';\n }\n else {\n delete node.dataset.escapee;\n }\n }));\n }\n update(config);\n return {\n update,\n destroy() {\n node.removeAttribute('data-escapee');\n unsub();\n },\n };\n};\n","import { createElHelpers, makeElement } from '../../internal/helpers/makeElement.js';\nimport { readable } from 'svelte/store';\nimport { styleToString } from '../../internal/helpers/style.js';\nimport { toReadableStores } from '../../internal/helpers/store/toReadableStores.js';\nimport { omit } from '../../internal/helpers/object.js';\nimport { removeUndefined } from '../../internal/helpers/object.js';\nconst defaults = {\n prefix: '',\n disabled: readable(false),\n required: readable(false),\n name: readable(undefined),\n};\nexport function createHiddenInput(props) {\n const withDefaults = {\n ...defaults,\n ...removeUndefined(props),\n };\n const { name: elName } = createElHelpers(withDefaults.prefix);\n const { value, name, disabled, required } = toReadableStores(omit(withDefaults, 'prefix'));\n const nameStore = name; // TODO: Remove this cast when types are fixed\n const hiddenInput = makeElement(elName('hidden-input'), {\n stores: [value, nameStore, disabled, required],\n returned: ([$value, $name, $disabled, $required]) => {\n return {\n name: $name,\n value: $value?.toString(),\n 'aria-hidden': 'true',\n hidden: true,\n disabled: $disabled,\n required: $required,\n tabIndex: -1,\n style: styleToString({\n position: 'absolute',\n opacity: 0,\n 'pointer-events': 'none',\n margin: 0,\n transform: 'translateX(-100%)',\n }),\n };\n },\n action: (node) => {\n // When value changes, emit a change event\n const unsub = value.subscribe((newValue) => {\n node.value = newValue;\n node.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }));\n });\n return {\n destroy: unsub,\n };\n },\n });\n return hiddenInput;\n}\n","import { addMeltEventListener, makeElement, createElHelpers, effect, executeCallbacks, generateIds, isBrowser, isHTMLElement, isValidIndex, kbd, omit, overridable, styleToString, toWritableStores, withGet, } from '../../internal/helpers/index.js';\nimport { createFormatter, createMonths, dateStore, getAnnouncer, getDefaultDate, getSelectableCells, isAfter, isBefore, isCalendarCell, parseStringToDateValue, setPlaceholderToNodeValue, toDate, } from '../../internal/helpers/date/index.js';\nimport { getLocalTimeZone, isSameDay, isSameMonth, isToday, } from '@internationalized/date';\nimport { tick } from 'svelte';\nimport { derived, writable } from 'svelte/store';\nexport const defaults = {\n isDateDisabled: undefined,\n isDateUnavailable: undefined,\n value: undefined,\n preventDeselect: false,\n numberOfMonths: 1,\n pagedNavigation: false,\n weekStartsOn: 0,\n fixedWeeks: false,\n calendarLabel: 'Event Date',\n locale: 'en',\n minValue: undefined,\n maxValue: undefined,\n disabled: false,\n readonly: false,\n weekdayFormat: 'narrow',\n};\nconst { name } = createElHelpers('calendar');\nexport const calendarIdParts = ['calendar', 'accessibleHeading'];\nexport function createCalendar(props) {\n const withDefaults = { ...defaults, ...props };\n const options = toWritableStores({\n ...omit(withDefaults, 'value', 'placeholder', 'multiple', 'ids'),\n multiple: withDefaults.multiple ?? false,\n });\n const { preventDeselect, numberOfMonths, pagedNavigation, weekStartsOn, fixedWeeks, calendarLabel, locale, minValue, maxValue, multiple, isDateUnavailable, disabled, readonly, weekdayFormat, } = options;\n const ids = toWritableStores({ ...generateIds(calendarIdParts), ...withDefaults.ids });\n const defaultDate = getDefaultDate({\n defaultPlaceholder: withDefaults.defaultPlaceholder,\n defaultValue: withDefaults.defaultValue,\n });\n const formatter = createFormatter(withDefaults.locale);\n const valueWritable = withDefaults.value ?? writable(withDefaults.defaultValue);\n const value = overridable(valueWritable, withDefaults.onValueChange);\n const placeholderWritable = withDefaults.placeholder ?? writable(withDefaults.defaultPlaceholder ?? defaultDate);\n const placeholder = dateStore(overridable(placeholderWritable, withDefaults.onPlaceholderChange), withDefaults.defaultPlaceholder ?? defaultDate);\n /**\n * A store containing the months to display in the calendar.\n */\n const months = withGet(writable(createMonths({\n dateObj: placeholder.get(),\n weekStartsOn: withDefaults.weekStartsOn,\n locale: withDefaults.locale,\n fixedWeeks: withDefaults.fixedWeeks,\n numberOfMonths: withDefaults.numberOfMonths,\n })));\n /**\n * A derived store that maintains the currently visible months in the calendar,\n * which we use to determine how keyboard navigation and if we should apply\n * `data-outside-month` to cells.\n */\n const visibleMonths = withGet.derived([months], ([$months]) => {\n return $months.map((month) => {\n return month.value;\n });\n });\n const isOutsideVisibleMonths = derived([visibleMonths], ([$visibleMonths]) => {\n return (date) => {\n return !$visibleMonths.some((month) => isSameMonth(date, month));\n };\n });\n const isNextButtonDisabled = withGet.derived([months, maxValue, disabled], ([$months, $maxValue, $disabled]) => {\n if (!$maxValue || !$months.length)\n return false;\n if ($disabled)\n return true;\n const lastMonthInView = $months[$months.length - 1].value;\n const firstMonthOfNextPage = lastMonthInView.add({ months: 1 }).set({ day: 1 });\n return isAfter(firstMonthOfNextPage, $maxValue);\n });\n const isPrevButtonDisabled = withGet.derived([months, minValue, disabled], ([$months, $minValue, $disabled]) => {\n if (!$minValue || !$months.length)\n return false;\n if ($disabled)\n return true;\n const firstMonthInView = $months[0].value;\n const lastMonthOfPrevPage = firstMonthInView.subtract({ months: 1 }).set({ day: 35 });\n return isBefore(lastMonthOfPrevPage, $minValue);\n });\n /**\n * A derived store function that determines if a date is disabled based\n * on the `isDateDisabled` prop, `minValue`, and `maxValue` props.\n */\n const isDateDisabled = withGet.derived([options.isDateDisabled, minValue, maxValue, disabled], ([$isDateDisabled, $minValue, $maxValue, $disabled]) => {\n return (date) => {\n if ($isDateDisabled?.(date) || $disabled)\n return true;\n if ($minValue && isBefore(date, $minValue))\n return true;\n if ($maxValue && isBefore($maxValue, date))\n return true;\n return false;\n };\n });\n const isDateSelected = derived([value], ([$value]) => {\n return (date) => {\n if (Array.isArray($value)) {\n return $value.some((d) => isSameDay(d, date));\n }\n else if (!$value) {\n return false;\n }\n else {\n return isSameDay($value, date);\n }\n };\n });\n /**\n * A derived helper store that evaluates to true if a currently selected date is invalid.\n */\n const isInvalid = derived([value, isDateDisabled, options.isDateUnavailable], ([$value, $isDateDisabled, $isDateUnavailable]) => {\n if (Array.isArray($value)) {\n if (!$value.length)\n return false;\n for (const date of $value) {\n if ($isDateDisabled?.(date))\n return true;\n if ($isDateUnavailable?.(date))\n return true;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (!$value)\n return false;\n if ($isDateDisabled?.($value))\n return true;\n if ($isDateUnavailable?.($value))\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n /**\n * Initialize the announcer, which currently remains inactive in this context since it will\n * be server-side rendered, but we'll initialize it in the calendar's action.\n *\n * The announcer is in charge of providing `aria-live` announcements for the calendar,\n * such as when a date is selected.\n */\n let announcer = getAnnouncer();\n /**\n * The current heading value for the calendar, meant to be utilized with\n * the {@link heading} builder.\n * It renders the current displayed month and year, formatted for the current locale.\n * This value updates automatically as the user navigates the calendar, even when\n * displaying multiple months using the `numberOfMonths` prop.\n */\n const headingValue = withGet.derived([months, locale], ([$months, $locale]) => {\n if (!$months.length)\n return '';\n if ($locale !== formatter.getLocale()) {\n formatter.setLocale($locale);\n }\n if ($months.length === 1) {\n const month = $months[0].value;\n return `${formatter.fullMonthAndYear(toDate(month))}`;\n }\n const startMonth = toDate($months[0].value);\n const endMonth = toDate($months[$months.length - 1].value);\n const startMonthName = formatter.fullMonth(startMonth);\n const endMonthName = formatter.fullMonth(endMonth);\n const startMonthYear = formatter.fullYear(startMonth);\n const endMonthYear = formatter.fullYear(endMonth);\n const content = startMonthYear === endMonthYear\n ? `${startMonthName} - ${endMonthName} ${endMonthYear}`\n : `${startMonthName} ${startMonthYear} - ${endMonthName} ${endMonthYear}`;\n return content;\n });\n /**\n * The accessible heading label for the calendar, generated by combining the `calendarLabel`\n * prop and the `headingValue` store to create a label like `Event Date, January 2021`.\n */\n const fullCalendarLabel = withGet.derived([headingValue, calendarLabel], ([$headingValue, $calendarLabel]) => {\n return `${$calendarLabel}, ${$headingValue}`;\n });\n /**\n * The root element of the calendar, capable of housing multiple grids/months\n * when using paged navigation.\n */\n const calendar = makeElement(name(), {\n stores: [fullCalendarLabel, isInvalid, disabled, readonly, ids.calendar],\n returned: ([$fullCalendarLabel, $isInvalid, $disabled, $readonly, $calendarId]) => {\n return {\n id: $calendarId,\n role: 'application',\n 'aria-label': $fullCalendarLabel,\n 'data-invalid': $isInvalid ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-disabled': $disabled ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-readonly': $readonly ? '' : undefined,\n };\n },\n action: (node) => {\n /**\n * Generates the accessible calendar heading when the grid is mounted.\n * The label is dynamically updated through an effect whenever there\n * are changes in the active date or label.\n */\n createAccessibleHeading(node, fullCalendarLabel.get());\n announcer = getAnnouncer();\n const unsubKb = addMeltEventListener(node, 'keydown', handleCalendarKeydown);\n return {\n destroy() {\n unsubKb();\n },\n };\n },\n });\n /**\n * The calendar heading, visually displaying the current month and year. This heading\n * is hidden from screen readers as an accessible heading is automatically generated\n * for the calendar.\n *\n * To customize the accessible heading's prefix, use the `calendarLabel` prop. By default,\n * the accessible heading reads as `Event Date, January 2021` for January 2021. If you set\n * the `calendarLabel` prop to 'Booking Date', the accessible heading will be 'Booking Date,\n * January 2021' for the same month and year.\n */\n const heading = makeElement(name('heading'), {\n stores: [disabled],\n returned: ([$disabled]) => {\n return {\n 'aria-hidden': true,\n 'data-disabled': $disabled ? '' : undefined,\n };\n },\n });\n /**\n * A grid element that serves as a container for a single month in the calendar.\n * Grids should be rendered for each month present in the `months` store returned\n * by the `createCalendar` builder.\n *\n * For more details about the structure of the month object, refer to {@link Month}.\n */\n const grid = makeElement(name('grid'), {\n stores: [readonly, disabled],\n returned: ([$readonly, $disabled]) => {\n return {\n tabindex: -1,\n role: 'grid',\n 'aria-readonly': $readonly ? 'true' : undefined,\n 'aria-disabled': $disabled ? 'true' : undefined,\n 'data-readonly': $readonly ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-disabled': $disabled ? '' : undefined,\n };\n },\n });\n /**\n * The 'prev' button for the calendar, enabling navigation to the\n * previous page. In paged navigation mode, it moves the calendar\n * back by the number of months specified in the `numberOfMonths` prop.\n * In non-paged mode, it shifts the calendar back by one month.\n */\n const prevButton = makeElement(name('prevButton'), {\n stores: [isPrevButtonDisabled],\n returned: ([$isPrevButtonDisabled]) => {\n const disabled = $isPrevButtonDisabled;\n return {\n role: 'button',\n type: 'button',\n 'aria-label': 'Previous',\n 'aria-disabled': disabled ? 'true' : undefined,\n 'data-disabled': disabled ? '' : undefined,\n disabled: disabled ? true : undefined,\n };\n },\n action: (node) => {\n const unsub = executeCallbacks(addMeltEventListener(node, 'click', () => {\n if (isPrevButtonDisabled.get())\n return;\n prevPage();\n }));\n return {\n destroy: unsub,\n };\n },\n });\n /**\n * A button element designed for navigating to the next page of the calendar.\n * If using paged navigation, it advances the calendar by the number of months\n * specified in the `numberOfMonths` prop. If not using paged navigation, it\n * moves the calendar forward by one month.\n */\n const nextButton = makeElement(name('nextButton'), {\n stores: [isNextButtonDisabled],\n returned: ([$isNextButtonDisabled]) => {\n const disabled = $isNextButtonDisabled;\n return {\n role: 'button',\n type: 'button',\n 'aria-label': 'Next',\n 'aria-disabled': disabled ? 'true' : undefined,\n 'data-disabled': disabled ? '' : undefined,\n disabled: disabled ? true : undefined,\n };\n },\n action: (node) => {\n const unsub = executeCallbacks(addMeltEventListener(node, 'click', () => {\n if (isNextButtonDisabled.get())\n return;\n nextPage();\n }));\n return {\n destroy: unsub,\n };\n },\n });\n /**\n * Represents an individual date cell in the calendar grid,\n * signifying a single day within the month. Configured with\n * essential attributes and event handlers for accessibility\n * and interactivity.\n */\n const cell = makeElement(name('cell'), {\n stores: [\n isDateSelected,\n isDateDisabled,\n isDateUnavailable,\n isOutsideVisibleMonths,\n placeholder,\n ],\n returned: ([$isDateSelected, $isDateDisabled, $isDateUnavailable, $isOutsideVisibleMonths, $placeholder,]) => {\n /**\n * Applies the appropriate attributes to each date cell in the calendar.\n *\n * @params cellValue - The `DateValue` for the current cell.\n * @params monthValue - The `DateValue` for the current month, which is used\n * to determine if the current cell is outside the current month.\n */\n return (cellValue, monthValue) => {\n const cellDate = toDate(cellValue);\n const isDisabled = $isDateDisabled?.(cellValue);\n const isUnavailable = $isDateUnavailable?.(cellValue);\n const isDateToday = isToday(cellValue, getLocalTimeZone());\n const isOutsideMonth = !isSameMonth(cellValue, monthValue);\n const isOutsideVisibleMonths = $isOutsideVisibleMonths(cellValue);\n const isFocusedDate = isSameDay(cellValue, $placeholder);\n const isSelectedDate = $isDateSelected(cellValue);\n const labelText = formatter.custom(cellDate, {\n weekday: 'long',\n month: 'long',\n day: 'numeric',\n year: 'numeric',\n });\n return {\n role: 'button',\n 'aria-label': labelText,\n 'aria-selected': isSelectedDate ? true : undefined,\n 'aria-disabled': isOutsideMonth || isDisabled || isUnavailable ? true : undefined,\n 'data-selected': isSelectedDate ? true : undefined,\n 'data-value': cellValue.toString(),\n 'data-disabled': isDisabled || isOutsideMonth ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-unavailable': isUnavailable ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-today': isDateToday ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-outside-month': isOutsideMonth ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-outside-visible-months': isOutsideVisibleMonths ? '' : undefined,\n 'data-focused': isFocusedDate ? '' : undefined,\n tabindex: isFocusedDate ? 0 : isOutsideMonth || isDisabled ? undefined : -1,\n };\n };\n },\n action: (node) => {\n const getElArgs = () => {\n const value = node.getAttribute('data-value');\n const label = node.getAttribute('data-label');\n const disabled = node.hasAttribute('data-disabled');\n return {\n value,\n label: label ?? node.textContent ?? null,\n disabled: disabled ? true : false,\n };\n };\n const unsub = executeCallbacks(addMeltEventListener(node, 'click', () => {\n const args = getElArgs();\n if (args.disabled)\n return;\n if (!args.value)\n return;\n handleCellClick(parseStringToDateValue(args.value, placeholder.get()));\n }));\n return {\n destroy: unsub,\n };\n },\n });\n /**\n * Synchronize the locale used within the formatter to ensure\n * dynamic updates are reflected in the calendar.\n */\n effect([locale], ([$locale]) => {\n if (formatter.getLocale() === $locale)\n return;\n formatter.setLocale($locale);\n });\n /**\n * Updates the displayed months based on changes in the placeholder value,\n * which determines the months to show in the calendar.\n */\n effect([placeholder], ([$placeholder]) => {\n if (!isBrowser || !$placeholder)\n return;\n const $visibleMonths = visibleMonths.get();\n /**\n * If the placeholder's month is already in the visible months,\n * we don't need to do anything.\n */\n if ($visibleMonths.some((month) => isSameMonth(month, $placeholder))) {\n return;\n }\n const $weekStartsOn = weekStartsOn.get();\n const $locale = locale.get();\n const $fixedWeeks = fixedWeeks.get();\n const $numberOfMonths = numberOfMonths.get();\n const defaultMonthProps = {\n weekStartsOn: $weekStartsOn,\n locale: $locale,\n fixedWeeks: $fixedWeeks,\n numberOfMonths: $numberOfMonths,\n };\n months.set(createMonths({\n ...defaultMonthProps,\n dateObj: $placeholder,\n }));\n });\n /**\n * Updates the displayed months based on changes in the the options values,\n * which determines the months to show in the calendar.\n */\n effect([weekStartsOn, locale, fixedWeeks, numberOfMonths], ([$weekStartsOn, $locale, $fixedWeeks, $numberOfMonths]) => {\n const $placeholder = placeholder.get();\n if (!isBrowser || !$placeholder)\n return;\n const defaultMonthProps = {\n weekStartsOn: $weekStartsOn,\n locale: $locale,\n fixedWeeks: $fixedWeeks,\n numberOfMonths: $numberOfMonths,\n };\n months.set(createMonths({\n ...defaultMonthProps,\n dateObj: $placeholder,\n }));\n });\n /**\n * Update the accessible heading's text content when the\n * `fullCalendarLabel` store changes.\n */\n effect([fullCalendarLabel], ([$fullCalendarLabel]) => {\n if (!isBrowser)\n return;\n const node = document.getElementById(ids.accessibleHeading.get());\n if (!isHTMLElement(node))\n return;\n node.textContent = $fullCalendarLabel;\n });\n /**\n * Synchronizing the placeholder value with the current value.\n */\n effect([value], ([$value]) => {\n if (Array.isArray($value) && $value.length) {\n const lastValue = $value[$value.length - 1];\n if (lastValue && placeholder.get() !== lastValue) {\n placeholder.set(lastValue);\n }\n }\n else if (!Array.isArray($value) && $value && placeholder.get() !== $value) {\n placeholder.set($value);\n }\n });\n /**\n * This derived store holds an array of localized day names for the current\n * locale and calendar view. It dynamically syncs with the 'weekStartsOn' option,\n * updating its content when the option changes. Using this store to render the\n * calendar's days of the week is strongly recommended, as it guarantees that\n * the days are correctly formatted for the current locale and calendar view.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n * \t\n * \t\t\n * \t\t\t{#each $weekdays as day}\n * \t\t\t\t\n * \t\t\t{/each}\n * \t\t\n * \t\n * \t\n *
\n * \t\t\t\t\t
\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t{day}\n * \t\t\t\t\t
\n * \t\t\t\t
\n * ```\n *\n * If you prefer to format/render the days of the week yourself,\n * you can do so by accessing the first week of the first month,\n * and mapping over the dates to get/format each day of the week.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * {#each $months as month}\n * \t\n * \t\t\n * \t\t\t\n * \t\t\t\t{#each month.weeks[0] as dayOfWeek}\n * \t\t\t\t\t\n * \t\t\t\t{/each}\n * \t\t\t\n * \t\t\n * \t\t\n * \t
\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t
\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { weekday: 'long' }).format\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t(dayOfWeek)}\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t
\n * \t\t\t\t\t
\n * {/each}\n * ```\n *\n */\n const weekdays = derived([months, weekdayFormat, locale], ([$months, $weekdayFormat, _]) => {\n if (!$months.length)\n return [];\n return $months[0].weeks[0].map((date) => {\n return formatter.dayOfWeek(toDate(date), $weekdayFormat);\n });\n });\n /**\n * Creates an accessible heading for the calendar, ensuring that\n * when it is focused by a screen reader, the displayed date range\n * is announced. This approach maintains accessibility for screen\n * readers while keeping the heading hidden from the visual design\n * of the calendar.\n */\n function createAccessibleHeading(node, label) {\n if (!isBrowser)\n return;\n const div = document.createElement('div');\n div.style.cssText = styleToString({\n border: '0px',\n clip: 'rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px)',\n 'clip-path': 'inset(50%)',\n height: '1px',\n margin: '-1px',\n overflow: 'hidden',\n padding: '0px',\n position: 'absolute',\n 'white-space': 'nowrap',\n width: '1px',\n });\n const h2 = document.createElement('div');\n h2.textContent = label;\n h2.id = ids.accessibleHeading.get();\n h2.role = 'heading';\n h2.ariaLevel = '2';\n node.insertBefore(div, node.firstChild);\n div.appendChild(h2);\n }\n /**\n * Navigate to the next page of the calendar.\n *\n * @remarks\n * If using paged navigation, this will move the calendar forward\n * by the number of months specified in the `numberOfMonths` prop.\n * If not using paged navigation, this will move the calendar forward\n * by one month.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n *\n * \n * ```\n */\n function nextPage() {\n const $months = months.get();\n const $numberOfMonths = numberOfMonths.get();\n if (pagedNavigation.get()) {\n const firstMonth = $months[0].value;\n placeholder.set(firstMonth.add({ months: $numberOfMonths }));\n }\n else {\n const firstMonth = $months[0].value;\n const newMonths = createMonths({\n dateObj: firstMonth.add({ months: 1 }),\n weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn.get(),\n locale: locale.get(),\n fixedWeeks: fixedWeeks.get(),\n numberOfMonths: $numberOfMonths,\n });\n months.set(newMonths);\n placeholder.set(newMonths[0].value.set({ day: 1 }));\n }\n }\n /**\n * Navigate to the previous page of the calendar.\n *\n * @remarks\n * A helper function to navigate to the previous page of the calendar.\n * If using paged navigation, this will move the calendar backwards\n * by the number of months specified in the `numberOfMonths` prop.\n * If not using paged navigation, this will move the calendar backwards\n * by one month.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n *\n * \n * ```\n */\n function prevPage() {\n const $months = months.get();\n const $numberOfMonths = numberOfMonths.get();\n if (pagedNavigation.get()) {\n const firstMonth = $months[0].value;\n placeholder.set(firstMonth.subtract({ months: $numberOfMonths }));\n }\n else {\n const firstMonth = $months[0].value;\n const newMonths = createMonths({\n dateObj: firstMonth.subtract({ months: 1 }),\n weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn.get(),\n locale: locale.get(),\n fixedWeeks: fixedWeeks.get(),\n numberOfMonths: $numberOfMonths,\n });\n months.set(newMonths);\n placeholder.set(newMonths[0].value.set({ day: 1 }));\n }\n }\n /**\n * Navigate to the next year in the calendar.\n *\n * @remarks\n * A helper function to navigate to the next year in the calendar,\n * which is useful if you want to extend the calendar to have buttons\n * to navigate to the next/prev year.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n *\n * \n * \n *\n * ```\n */\n function nextYear() {\n placeholder.add({ years: 1 });\n }\n /**\n * A helper function to navigate to the previous year in the calendar,\n * which is useful if you want to extend the calendar to have buttons\n * to navigate to the next/prev year.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n *\n * \n * \n *\n * ```\n */\n function prevYear() {\n placeholder.subtract({ years: 1 });\n }\n const ARROW_KEYS = [kbd.ARROW_DOWN, kbd.ARROW_UP, kbd.ARROW_LEFT, kbd.ARROW_RIGHT];\n /**\n * Set the year of the calendar to the specified year.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This is useful if you want to extend the calendar to have\n * alternative ways to change the year, such as a select input.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n *\n * \n * ```\n */\n function setYear(year) {\n placeholder.setDate({ year: year });\n }\n /**\n * Set the month of the calendar to the specified month.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This is useful if you want to extend the calendar to have\n * alternative ways to change the month, such as a select input.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * \n *\n * \n * ```\n */\n function setMonth(month) {\n placeholder.setDate({ month: month });\n }\n function handleCellClick(date) {\n const $readonly = readonly.get();\n if ($readonly)\n return;\n const $isDateDisabled = isDateDisabled.get();\n const $isUnavailable = options.isDateUnavailable.get();\n if ($isDateDisabled?.(date) || $isUnavailable?.(date))\n return;\n value.update((prev) => {\n const $multiple = multiple.get();\n if ($multiple) {\n return handleMultipleUpdate(prev, date);\n }\n else {\n const next = handleSingleUpdate(prev, date);\n if (!next) {\n announcer.announce('Selected date is now empty.', 'polite', 5000);\n }\n else {\n announcer.announce(`Selected Date: ${formatter.selectedDate(next, false)}`, 'polite');\n }\n return next;\n }\n });\n }\n function handleSingleUpdate(prev, date) {\n if (Array.isArray(prev))\n throw new Error('Invalid value for multiple prop.');\n if (!prev)\n return date;\n const $preventDeselect = preventDeselect.get();\n if (!$preventDeselect && isSameDay(prev, date)) {\n placeholder.set(date);\n return undefined;\n }\n return date;\n }\n function handleMultipleUpdate(prev, date) {\n if (!prev)\n return [date];\n if (!Array.isArray(prev))\n throw new Error('Invalid value for multiple prop.');\n const index = prev.findIndex((d) => isSameDay(d, date));\n const $preventDeselect = preventDeselect.get();\n if (index === -1) {\n return [...prev, date];\n }\n else if ($preventDeselect) {\n return prev;\n }\n else {\n const next = prev.filter((d) => !isSameDay(d, date));\n if (!next.length) {\n placeholder.set(date);\n return undefined;\n }\n return next;\n }\n }\n const SELECT_KEYS = [kbd.ENTER, kbd.SPACE];\n function handleCalendarKeydown(e) {\n const currentCell = e.target;\n if (!isCalendarCell(currentCell))\n return;\n if (!ARROW_KEYS.includes(e.key) && !SELECT_KEYS.includes(e.key))\n return;\n e.preventDefault();\n // the cell that is currently focused\n if (e.key === kbd.ARROW_DOWN) {\n shiftFocus(currentCell, 7);\n }\n if (e.key === kbd.ARROW_UP) {\n shiftFocus(currentCell, -7);\n }\n if (e.key === kbd.ARROW_LEFT) {\n shiftFocus(currentCell, -1);\n }\n if (e.key === kbd.ARROW_RIGHT) {\n shiftFocus(currentCell, 1);\n }\n if (e.key === kbd.SPACE || e.key === kbd.ENTER) {\n const cellValue = currentCell.getAttribute('data-value');\n if (!cellValue)\n return;\n handleCellClick(parseStringToDateValue(cellValue, placeholder.get()));\n }\n }\n function shiftFocus(node, add) {\n const candidateCells = getSelectableCells(ids.calendar.get());\n if (!candidateCells.length)\n return;\n const index = candidateCells.indexOf(node);\n const nextIndex = index + add;\n /**\n * If the next cell is within the bounds of the\n * displayed/rendered cells, easy day, just focus it.\n */\n if (isValidIndex(nextIndex, candidateCells)) {\n const nextCell = candidateCells[nextIndex];\n setPlaceholderToNodeValue(nextCell, placeholder);\n return nextCell.focus();\n }\n /**\n * When the next cell falls outside the displayed/rendered cells range,\n * we update the focus to the previous or next month based on the direction,\n * and then focus on the relevant cell.\n */\n if (nextIndex < 0) {\n /**\n * To handle negative index values, we rewind by one month,\n * retrieve candidate cells for that month, and shift the focus\n * by the difference between the nextIndex starting from the end\n * of the array.\n */\n // shift the calendar back a month unless previous month is disabled\n if (isPrevButtonDisabled.get())\n return;\n const $months = months.get();\n const firstMonth = $months[0].value;\n const $numberOfMonths = numberOfMonths.get();\n placeholder.set(firstMonth.subtract({ months: $numberOfMonths }));\n // Without a tick here, it seems to be too fast for\n // the DOM to update, with the tick it works great\n tick().then(() => {\n const newCandidateCells = getSelectableCells(ids.calendar.get());\n if (!newCandidateCells.length) {\n return;\n }\n /**\n * Starting at the end of the array, shift focus by the\n * difference between the nextIndex and the length of the\n * array, since the nextIndex is negative.\n */\n const newIndex = newCandidateCells.length - Math.abs(nextIndex);\n if (isValidIndex(newIndex, newCandidateCells)) {\n const newCell = newCandidateCells[newIndex];\n setPlaceholderToNodeValue(newCell, placeholder);\n return newCell.focus();\n }\n });\n }\n if (nextIndex >= candidateCells.length) {\n /**\n * Since we're in the positive index range, we need to\n * go forward a month, refetch the candidate cells within that\n * month, and then starting at the beginning of that array,\n * shift focus by the nextIndex amount.\n */\n // shift the calendar forward a month unless next month is disabled\n if (isNextButtonDisabled.get())\n return;\n const $months = months.get();\n const firstMonth = $months[0].value;\n const $numberOfMonths = numberOfMonths.get();\n placeholder.set(firstMonth.add({ months: $numberOfMonths }));\n tick().then(() => {\n const newCandidateCells = getSelectableCells(ids.calendar.get());\n if (!newCandidateCells.length) {\n return;\n }\n /**\n * We need to determine how far into the next month we need to go\n * to get the next index. So if we only went over the previous\n * month by 1, we need to go into the next month by 1 to get the\n * right index.\n */\n const newIndex = nextIndex - candidateCells.length;\n if (isValidIndex(newIndex, newCandidateCells)) {\n const nextCell = newCandidateCells[newIndex];\n return nextCell.focus();\n }\n });\n }\n }\n /**\n * A helper function to determine if a date cell is disabled,\n * which uses the `Matcher`(s) provided via the `isDisabled`\n * prop, as well as other internal logic, such as if it's\n * outside of the month, or if it's before/after the min/max\n * values.\n *\n * Although we set attributes on the cells themselves, for\n * easy styling this function is useful when you want to\n * conditionally handle something outside of the cell,\n * such as its wrapping element.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * {#each dates as date}\n * \t\n * \t\t\n * \t\n * {/each}\n * ```\n *\n * @param date - The `DateValue` to check\n * @returns `true` if the date is disabled, `false` otherwise\n */\n const _isDateDisabled = derived([isDateDisabled, placeholder, minValue, maxValue, disabled], ([$isDateDisabled, $placeholder, $minValue, $maxValue, $disabled]) => {\n return (date) => {\n if ($isDateDisabled?.(date) || $disabled)\n return true;\n if ($minValue && isBefore(date, $minValue))\n return true;\n if ($maxValue && isAfter(date, $maxValue))\n return true;\n if (!isSameMonth(date, $placeholder))\n return true;\n return false;\n };\n });\n /**\n * A helper function to determine if a date is unavailable,\n * which uses the `Matcher`(s) provided via the `unavailable`\n * prop.\n *\n * Although we set attributes on the cells themselves, this\n * function is useful when you want to conditionally handle\n * something outside of the cell, such as its wrapping element.\n *\n * @example\n * ```svelte\n * {#each dates as date}\n * \t\n * \t\t{#if $isUnavailable(date)}\n * \t\t\tX\n * \t\t{/if}\n * \t\t\n * \t\n * {/each}\n * ```\n *\n * @param date - The `DateValue` to check\n * @returns `true` if the date is disabled, `false` otherwise\n */\n const _isDateUnavailable = derived(isDateUnavailable, ($isDateUnavailable) => {\n return (date) => $isDateUnavailable?.(date);\n });\n return {\n elements: {\n calendar,\n heading,\n grid,\n cell,\n nextButton,\n prevButton,\n },\n states: {\n placeholder: placeholder.toWritable(),\n months,\n value,\n weekdays,\n headingValue,\n },\n helpers: {\n nextPage,\n prevPage,\n nextYear,\n prevYear,\n setYear,\n setMonth,\n isDateDisabled: _isDateDisabled,\n isDateSelected,\n isDateUnavailable: _isDateUnavailable,\n },\n options,\n ids,\n };\n}\n","import { createCalendar, createDateField, createPopover } from '../index.js';\nimport { handleSegmentNavigation, isSegmentNavigationKey, } from '../../internal/helpers/date/index.js';\nimport { addMeltEventListener, makeElement, effect, omit, toWritableStores, } from '../../internal/helpers/index.js';\nimport { pickerOpenFocus } from '../../internal/helpers/date/focus.js';\nimport { createFormatter, dateStore, getDefaultDate } from '../../internal/helpers/date/index.js';\nimport { defaults as calendarDefaults } from '../calendar/create.js';\nconst defaults = {\n isDateDisabled: undefined,\n isDateUnavailable: undefined,\n value: undefined,\n positioning: {\n placement: 'bottom',\n },\n closeOnEscape: true,\n closeOnOutsideClick: true,\n onOutsideClick: undefined,\n preventScroll: false,\n forceVisible: false,\n locale: 'en',\n granularity: undefined,\n disabled: false,\n readonly: false,\n minValue: undefined,\n maxValue: undefined,\n weekdayFormat: 'narrow',\n ...omit(calendarDefaults, 'isDateDisabled', 'isDateUnavailable', 'value', 'locale', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'weekdayFormat'),\n};\nexport function createDatePicker(props) {\n const withDefaults = { ...defaults, ...props };\n const options = toWritableStores(omit(withDefaults, 'value', 'placeholder'));\n const dateField = createDateField({\n ...withDefaults,\n ids: withDefaults.dateFieldIds,\n });\n const { states: { value, placeholder: dfPlaceholder }, } = dateField;\n const calendar = createCalendar({\n ...omit(withDefaults, 'onValueChange'),\n placeholder: dfPlaceholder,\n value: value,\n ids: withDefaults.calendarIds,\n });\n const popover = createPopover({\n positioning: withDefaults.positioning,\n arrowSize: withDefaults.arrowSize,\n defaultOpen: withDefaults.defaultOpen,\n open: withDefaults.open,\n disableFocusTrap: withDefaults.disableFocusTrap,\n closeOnEscape: withDefaults.closeOnEscape,\n preventScroll: withDefaults.preventScroll,\n onOpenChange: withDefaults.onOpenChange,\n closeOnOutsideClick: withDefaults.closeOnOutsideClick,\n portal: withDefaults.portal,\n forceVisible: withDefaults.forceVisible,\n openFocus: pickerOpenFocus,\n ids: withDefaults.popoverIds,\n onOutsideClick: withDefaults.onOutsideClick,\n });\n const trigger = makeElement('popover-trigger', {\n stores: [popover.elements.trigger, options.disabled],\n returned: ([$trigger, $disabled]) => {\n return {\n ...omit($trigger, 'action'),\n 'aria-label': 'Open date picker',\n 'data-segment': 'trigger',\n disabled: $disabled ? true : undefined,\n };\n },\n action: (node) => {\n const unsubKeydown = addMeltEventListener(node, 'keydown', handleTriggerKeydown);\n const { destroy } = popover.elements.trigger(node);\n return {\n destroy() {\n destroy?.();\n unsubKeydown();\n },\n };\n },\n });\n const formatter = createFormatter(options.locale.get());\n effect([options.locale], ([$locale]) => {\n dateField.options.locale.set($locale);\n calendar.options.locale.set($locale);\n if (formatter.getLocale() === $locale)\n return;\n formatter.setLocale($locale);\n });\n effect([options.weekdayFormat], ([$weekdayFormat]) => {\n calendar.options.weekdayFormat.set($weekdayFormat);\n });\n effect([options.disabled], ([$disabled]) => {\n dateField.options.disabled.set($disabled);\n calendar.options.disabled.set($disabled);\n });\n effect([options.readonly], ([$readonly]) => {\n dateField.options.readonly.set($readonly);\n calendar.options.readonly.set($readonly);\n });\n effect([options.minValue], ([$minValue]) => {\n dateField.options.minValue.set($minValue);\n calendar.options.minValue.set($minValue);\n });\n effect([options.maxValue], ([$maxValue]) => {\n dateField.options.maxValue.set($maxValue);\n calendar.options.maxValue.set($maxValue);\n });\n effect([options.numberOfMonths], ([$numberOfMonths]) => {\n calendar.options.numberOfMonths.set($numberOfMonths);\n });\n effect([options.fixedWeeks], ([$fixedWeeks]) => {\n calendar.options.fixedWeeks.set($fixedWeeks);\n });\n effect([options.weekStartsOn], ([$weekStartsOn]) => {\n calendar.options.weekStartsOn.set($weekStartsOn);\n });\n const dateFieldOptions = omit(dateField.options, 'locale', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'minValue', 'maxValue');\n const calendarOptions = omit(calendar.options, 'locale', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'minValue', 'maxValue');\n const { states: { open }, } = popover;\n const defaultDate = getDefaultDate({\n defaultPlaceholder: withDefaults.defaultPlaceholder,\n defaultValue: withDefaults.defaultValue,\n granularity: withDefaults.granularity,\n });\n const placeholder = dateStore(dfPlaceholder, withDefaults.defaultPlaceholder ?? defaultDate);\n effect([open], ([$open]) => {\n if (!$open) {\n const $value = value.get();\n if ($value) {\n placeholder.set($value);\n }\n else {\n placeholder.reset();\n }\n }\n });\n function handleTriggerKeydown(e) {\n if (isSegmentNavigationKey(e.key)) {\n e.preventDefault();\n handleSegmentNavigation(e, dateField.ids.field.get());\n }\n }\n return {\n elements: {\n ...calendar.elements,\n ...dateField.elements,\n ...popover.elements,\n trigger,\n },\n states: {\n ...dateField.states,\n ...calendar.states,\n placeholder: placeholder.toWritable(),\n value,\n ...popover.states,\n },\n helpers: {\n ...calendar.helpers,\n },\n options: {\n ...dateFieldOptions,\n ...calendarOptions,\n ...options,\n ...popover.options,\n },\n ids: {\n dateField: dateField.ids,\n calendar: calendar.ids,\n popover: popover.ids,\n },\n };\n}\n","export function createBitAttrs(bit, parts) {\n const attrs = {};\n parts.forEach((part) => {\n attrs[part] = {\n [`data-${bit}-${part}`]: \"\",\n };\n });\n return (part) => attrs[part];\n}\nexport function disabledAttrs(disabled) {\n return disabled\n ? { \"aria-disabled\": \"true\", \"data-disabled\": \"\" }\n : { \"aria-disabled\": undefined, \"data-disabled\": undefined };\n}\n","import { createEventDispatcher } from \"svelte\";\nexport function createDispatcher() {\n const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();\n return (e) => {\n const { originalEvent } = e.detail;\n const { cancelable } = e;\n const type = originalEvent.type;\n const shouldContinue = dispatch(type, { originalEvent, currentTarget: originalEvent.currentTarget }, { cancelable });\n if (!shouldContinue) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n };\n}\n","export function removeUndefined(obj) {\n const result = {};\n for (const key in obj) {\n const value = obj[key];\n if (value !== undefined) {\n result[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n","export function getOptionUpdater(options) {\n return function (key, value) {\n if (value === undefined)\n return;\n const store = options[key];\n if (store) {\n store.set(value);\n }\n };\n}\n"],"names":["styleToString","style","str","key","disabledAttr","disabled","portalAttr","portal","lightable","value","subscribe","run","hiddenAction","obj","target","prop","receiver","isFunctionWithParams","fn","makeElement","name","args","stores","action","returned","derivedStore","derived","values","result","noop","returnedFn","resultFn","actionFn","createElHelpers","prefix","part","attribute","selector","isBrowser","isFunction","v","isElement","element","isHTMLElement","isElementDisabled","ariaDisabled","dataDisabled","isObject","isReadable","executeCallbacks","callbacks","callback","addEventListener","event","handler","options","events","_event","addMeltEventListener","handlerWithMelt","withMelt","dispatchMeltEvent","originalEvent","node","customMeltEvent","customEvent","safeOnMount","onMount","safeOnDestroy","onDestroy","omit","keys","withGet","store","get","initial","internal","writable","newValue","updater","subscribers","subscriber","unsubscribers","unsubscribe","overridable","_store","onChange","update","sideEffect","curr","next","res","kbd","FIRST_KEYS","LAST_KEYS","FIRST_LAST_KEYS","SELECTION_KEYS","effect","cb","destroy","unsub","toWritableStores","properties","propertyKey","readable","set","clicked","documentEscapeKeyStore","keydown","useEscapeKeydown","config","enabled","e","ignoreEl","_a","$enabled","defaults","calendarDefaults","createBitAttrs","bit","parts","attrs","disabledAttrs","createDispatcher","dispatch","createEventDispatcher","cancelable","type","removeUndefined","getOptionUpdater"],"mappings":"wHAMO,SAASA,EAAcC,EAAO,CACjC,OAAO,OAAO,KAAKA,CAAK,EAAE,OAAO,CAACC,EAAKC,IAC/BF,EAAME,CAAG,IAAM,OACRD,EACJA,EAAM,GAAGC,CAAG,IAAIF,EAAME,CAAG,CAAC,IAClC,EAAE,CACT,CCXO,SAASC,EAAaC,EAAU,CACnC,OAAOA,EAAW,GAAO,MAC7B,CAMWL,EAAc,CACjB,SAAU,WACV,QAAS,EACT,iBAAkB,OAClB,OAAQ,EACR,UAAW,mBACnB,CAAK,EAME,SAASM,EAAWC,EAAQ,CAC/B,GAAIA,IAAW,KACX,MAAO,EAGf,CC1BO,SAASC,EAAUC,EAAO,CAC7B,SAASC,EAAUC,EAAK,CACpB,OAAAA,EAAIF,CAAK,EACF,IAAM,CAErB,CACK,CACD,MAAO,CAAE,UAAAC,CAAS,CACtB,CCCO,MAAME,EAAgBC,GAClB,IAAI,MAAMA,EAAK,CAClB,IAAIC,EAAQC,EAAMC,EAAU,CACxB,OAAO,QAAQ,IAAIF,EAAQC,EAAMC,CAAQ,CAC5C,EACD,QAAQF,EAAQ,CACZ,OAAO,QAAQ,QAAQA,CAAM,EAAE,OAAQX,GAAQA,IAAQ,QAAQ,CAClE,CACT,CAAK,EAECc,EAAwBC,GACnB,OAAOA,GAAO,WAEOC,EAAY,OAAO,EAC5C,SAASA,EAAYC,EAAMC,EAAM,CACpC,KAAM,CAAE,OAAAC,EAAQ,OAAAC,EAAQ,SAAAC,CAAQ,EAAKH,GAAQ,CAAA,EACvCI,GAAgB,IAAM,CACxB,GAAIH,GAAUE,EAEV,OAAOE,EAAQJ,EAASK,GAAW,CAC/B,MAAMC,EAASJ,EAASG,CAAM,EAC9B,GAAIV,EAAqBW,CAAM,EAAG,CAC9B,MAAMV,EAAK,IAAIG,IACJT,EAAa,CAChB,GAAGgB,EAAO,GAAGP,CAAI,EACjB,CAAC,aAAaD,CAAI,EAAE,EAAG,GACvB,OAAQG,GAAUM,CAC9C,CAAyB,EAEL,OAAAX,EAAG,OAASK,GAAUM,EACfX,CACV,CACD,OAAON,EAAa,CAChB,GAAGgB,EACH,CAAC,aAAaR,CAAI,EAAE,EAAG,GACvB,OAAQG,GAAUM,CACtC,CAAiB,CACjB,CAAa,EAEA,CAED,MAAMC,EAAaN,EACbI,EAASE,GAAA,YAAAA,IACf,GAAIb,EAAqBW,CAAM,EAAG,CAC9B,MAAMG,EAAW,IAAIV,IACVT,EAAa,CAChB,GAAGgB,EAAO,GAAGP,CAAI,EACjB,CAAC,aAAaD,CAAI,EAAE,EAAG,GACvB,OAAQG,GAAUM,CAC1C,CAAqB,EAEL,OAAAE,EAAS,OAASR,GAAUM,EACrBrB,EAAUuB,CAAQ,CAC5B,CACD,OAAOvB,EAAUI,EAAa,CAC1B,GAAGgB,EACH,CAAC,aAAaR,CAAI,EAAE,EAAG,GACvB,OAAQG,GAAUM,CACrB,CAAA,CAAC,CACL,CACT,KACUG,EAAYT,IACb,IAAM,CAEN,GACL,OAAAS,EAAS,UAAYP,EAAa,UAC3BO,CACX,CAeO,SAASC,EAAgBC,EAAQ,CACpC,MAAMd,EAAQe,GAAUA,EAAO,GAAGD,CAAM,IAAIC,CAAI,GAAKD,EAC/CE,EAAaD,GAAS,aAAaD,CAAM,GAAGC,EAAO,IAAIA,CAAI,GAAK,EAAE,GAClEE,EAAYF,GAAS,cAAcD,CAAM,GAAGC,EAAO,IAAIA,CAAI,GAAK,EAAE,IAExE,MAAO,CACH,KAAAf,EACA,UAAAgB,EACA,SAAAC,EACA,MALWF,GAAS,SAAS,cAAcE,EAASF,CAAI,CAAC,CAMjE,CACA,CCtGY,MAACG,EAAY,OAAO,SAAa,IAEhCC,EAAcC,GAAM,OAAOA,GAAM,WAKvC,SAASC,EAAUC,EAAS,CAC/B,OAAOA,aAAmB,OAC9B,CACO,SAASC,EAAcD,EAAS,CACnC,OAAOA,aAAmB,WAC9B,CAUO,SAASE,EAAkBF,EAAS,CACvC,MAAMG,EAAeH,EAAQ,aAAa,eAAe,EACnDrC,EAAWqC,EAAQ,aAAa,UAAU,EAC1CI,EAAeJ,EAAQ,aAAa,eAAe,EACzD,MAAI,GAAAG,IAAiB,QAAUxC,IAAa,MAAQyC,EAIxD,CAuBO,SAASC,EAAStC,EAAO,CAC5B,OAAOA,IAAU,MAAQ,OAAOA,GAAU,QAC9C,CACO,SAASuC,EAAWvC,EAAO,CAC9B,OAAOsC,EAAStC,CAAK,GAAK,cAAeA,CAC7C,CCpDO,SAASwC,KAAoBC,EAAW,CAC3C,MAAO,IAAI7B,IAAS,CAChB,UAAW8B,KAAYD,EACf,OAAOC,GAAa,YACpBA,EAAS,GAAG9B,CAAI,CAGhC,CACA,CAIO,SAASQ,GAAO,CAEvB,CCVO,SAASuB,EAAiBtC,EAAQuC,EAAOC,EAASC,EAAS,CAC9D,MAAMC,EAAS,MAAM,QAAQH,CAAK,EAAIA,EAAQ,CAACA,CAAK,EAEpD,OAAAG,EAAO,QAASC,GAAW3C,EAAO,iBAAiB2C,EAAQH,EAASC,CAAO,CAAC,EAErE,IAAM,CACTC,EAAO,QAASC,GAAW3C,EAAO,oBAAoB2C,EAAQH,EAASC,CAAO,CAAC,CACvF,CACA,CACO,SAASG,EAAqB5C,EAAQuC,EAAOC,EAASC,EAAS,CAClE,MAAMC,EAAS,MAAM,QAAQH,CAAK,EAAIA,EAAQ,CAACA,CAAK,EACpD,GAAI,OAAOC,GAAY,WAAY,CAC/B,MAAMK,EAAkBC,EAAUH,GAAWH,EAAQG,CAAM,CAAC,EAE5D,OAAAD,EAAO,QAASC,GAAW3C,EAAO,iBAAiB2C,EAAQE,EAAiBJ,CAAO,CAAC,EAE7E,IAAM,CACTC,EAAO,QAASC,GAAW3C,EAAO,oBAAoB2C,EAAQE,EAAiBJ,CAAO,CAAC,CACnG,CACK,CACD,MAAO,IAAM,MACjB,CACO,SAASM,EAAkBC,EAAe,CAC7C,MAAMC,EAAOD,EAAc,cAC3B,GAAI,CAACnB,EAAcoB,CAAI,EACnB,OAAO,KACX,MAAMC,EAAkB,IAAI,YAAY,KAAKF,EAAc,IAAI,GAAI,CAC/D,OAAQ,CACJ,cAAAA,CACH,EACD,WAAY,EACpB,CAAK,EACD,OAAAC,EAAK,cAAcC,CAAe,EAC3BA,CACX,CACO,SAASJ,EAASN,EAAS,CAC9B,OAAQD,GAAU,CACd,MAAMY,EAAcJ,EAAkBR,CAAK,EAC3C,GAAI,EAAAY,GAAA,MAAAA,EAAa,kBAEjB,OAAOX,EAAQD,CAAK,CAC5B,CACA,C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